Hi, i can get an unban for a week please? Because i have some free time and i want to play.

ban appeal.
- Cyka Nugget
- Geschlossen
I really don't care if I get banned from the forums for this, so I just wanna say this is a really bad reason for a ban appeal.
Unban for a week? This has to be a joke, right?
Cyka Nugget never jokes.
I want an unban for a week ore more becuase now i have some much time to play, i sayed this because i think you not remove my ban.
You think we just unban people when they want, just because they have free time? Free time or not, you broke our rules many times and you are now getting punished for it.
Ok but you can make my ban periot a bit smaller?
Ok, but i have a question: i have 6 mooths or one year ban? On this account i want to say.
6 months - on all accounts. If you use another account we will make the ban permanent.
Keaune sayed me i have 12 month's.