Well you're kind of right there, I'd usually go to cover and let them rush me

Freezzer Memes
Scrap metal is ID 67
Work jeans are ID 2
I think you can see how I messed up.
Haha best one yet
Alot of funny Memes, great!
such a bad meme >:(
this is not even funny my cat can do better
Dude they don't have to be good they are just to have ever fun
Even your name is funnier then your memes
Thx always wanted to be a comedian
Your welcome and DBA sucks
I took out the whole clan alone in seattle
HHa that is a lie, DBA hasn't played in months most don't even play Unturned anymore.
I didn't say I took them out today
1v1 me I can beat a good percentage of the old DBA members (not you Keaune
). Most were just in the group cause they played Freezzer once. I have like 4 DBA members I play with everyday even the leader and his brother don't play so...
Lmao Peanut butter, you really cracked me up. Your comments are funnier than the "memes" lmfao