You can't even perform kills with jets anymore. You completely removed its combat role and turned it into just a transport. Could you at least make the jets bullets actually do damage?

You overnerfed the fighter jet
well yes but actually no
Jets dont do damage because if they do damage they are really easy to abuse. (they still do vehicle and structure damage tho)
Armored jets go op
Armored jets go op
That can be easily fixed by lowering buildable hp. I also wonder if you could make buildables attached to vehicles vulnerable to all weapons that way players stand a chance against them.
1. Jets are fast some ppl can't really kill anyone who's flying because 90% of the time their jets would have armour, and not everyone uses Dragon fang to kill
2. If jet gets a damage buff it can easily be abused and there's no point on using the hind anymore
So no, please on the love of GOD don't buff jets damage
1. Jets are fast some ppl can't really kill anyone who's flying because 90% of the time their jets would have armour, and not everyone uses Dragon fang to kill
2. If jet gets a damage buff it can easily be abused and there's no point on using the hind anymore
So no, please on the love of GOD don't buff jets damage
Like I said in a previous comment, you can give jets low hp and make them subject to attack from all guns, not just specific guns, all of them. That way players don't have to change weapon to damage them. You could also lower buildable hp to do the same.
Jets with guns being op would not be an issue if you made them take damage from all guns instead of a select few.
Like I said in a previous comment, you can give jets low hp and make them subject to attack from all guns, not just specific guns, all of them. That way players don't have to change weapon to damage them. You could also lower buildable hp to do the same.
Jets with guns being op would not be an issue if you made them take damage from all guns instead of a select few.
Jets can snipe you from 500m (No gun can reach that since max range is currently 300m) which still makes it super op since all you have to do is fly high enough or start shooting from far enough.
Jets can snipe you from 500m (No gun can reach that since max range is currently 300m) which still makes it super op since all you have to do is fly high enough or start shooting from far enough.
Then can't you lower the range of the jet's weapon? make it to where it has a 300m range? That is still an easy fix.
Honestly if you believe the jet should be nerfed to the point in which it currently is you are just as toxic as the people who abused them.
"How is nerfing toxic?" you may ask? Well imagine this:
You keep beating me with the same weapon. I don't want you to win anymore, ever, so I am going to demand your favorite weapon be rendered unusable. Have fun continually losing now that your favorite weapon no longer works!
Then can't you lower the range of the jet's weapon? make it to where it has a 300m range? That is still an easy fix.
Honestly if you believe the jet should be nerfed to the point in which it currently is you are just as toxic as the people who abused them.
"How is nerfing toxic?" you may ask? Well imagine this:
You keep beating me with the same weapon. I don't want you to win anymore, ever, so I am going to demand your favorite weapon be rendered unusable. Have fun continually losing now that your favorite weapon no longer works!
No they cant because they already attempted to do this with other things but it basically breaks the game because Unturned is Unturned.
If you think that im toxic because i dont want to get sniped from 500m by every child that joins the server than you will have to call toxic every player that has over 100 hours on Freezzer and understands how easy are thingsto abuse.
And as i said before only actually nerfed things are most abused ones. Right now no one other than you (and players that just camp) have any problem with how guns are. All guns are now balanced to provide good PvP because Freezzer is mainly PvP based server. All players that are actually have balls to PvP close range which is how its supposed to be since there are no guns that go over 300m (excluding modded guns, vehicles and guns that are not in anymore). I understand your point of view because i used to camp like a little pussy with a sniper in full ghillie as well but once i realized how much more fun fast paced playstyle is. What you dont understand is that there also other players than players like you so Freezer admins will rather go for the most optimal option rahter than option that profits you only which in this case is leaving jets nerfed hard so they cant be abused (they were highly abused when they did actual damage with or without plates because of 500m range they have) -
No they cant because they already attempted to do this with other things but it basically breaks the game because Unturned is Unturned.
If you think that im toxic because i dont want to get sniped from 500m by every child that joins the server than you will have to call toxic every player that has over 100 hours on Freezzer and understands how easy are thingsto abuse.
And as i said before only actually nerfed things are most abused ones. Right now no one other than you (and players that just camp) have any problem with how guns are. All guns are now balanced to provide good PvP because Freezzer is mainly PvP based server. All players that are actually have balls to PvP close range which is how its supposed to be since there are no guns that go over 300m (excluding modded guns, vehicles and guns that are not in anymore). I understand your point of view because i used to camp like a little pussy with a sniper in full ghillie as well but once i realized how much more fun fast paced playstyle is. What you dont understand is that there also other players than players like you so Freezer admins will rather go for the most optimal option rahter than option that profits you only which in this case is leaving jets nerfed hard so they cant be abused (they were highly abused when they did actual damage with or without plates because of 500m range they have)1) Snipers are supposed to camp. That's how it works in real life, and in all games they are implemented in.
2) Not everyone plays the same, so not everyone is going to chose close range.
3) If camping in a forest makes me a pussy, then so does camping on needle tower where I can see absolutely everything around me and also use plates to hide my sorry ass behind.
4) If the game is "supposed" be close range then why were long range guns added in the first place?
5) At steam level 48 I can safely assume you don't have a job.
1) Snipers are supposed to camp. That's how it works in real life, and in all games they are implemented in.
2) Not everyone plays the same, so not everyone is going to chose close range.
3) If camping in a forest makes me a pussy, then so does camping on needle tower where I can see absolutely everything around me and also use plates to hide my sorry ass behind.
4) If the game is "supposed" be close range then why were long range guns added in the first place?
5) At steam level 48 I can safely assume you don't have a job.
1) If snipers are supposed to camp in all the games than explain Quake. Also saying "snipers irl" is stupid af because this is a game.
2) I know that we all have our playstyles and i "respect" most of them but there are some certain ways of playing that no one who actually gets the point of pvp in Unturned respects.
3) When i am on White i use just one plate above my head in 98% of cases which makes me an easy target from all the sides. So yes i do think that you are a pussy for camping behind a tree from 298m and running away anytime anyone just looks at you. I have never met anyone who respect your playstyle while i met many players that respect that i have balls to run straight at you with a sniper when you use Maplestrike or Zubek.
4) My point is that snipers in Unturned are not "long range" since they have just 300m of range (guns with range over that are modded) Maplestrike has 200m range which is 2/3 of a sniper range.
5) That is just a stupid logic since if i wnat to level up my steam i need money which i get from the job. If you would have to apply your logic you would have to say that Renegade doesnt have a job (his steam level is 460)+the fact you are trying to attack me out of the game boundries is just making me feel a bit sad for you. -
Top gun 2: The return of the jet campers