Hello ! I really love so much csgo and i really was wondering why there isnt Freezzer community servers for csgo? i really will like so much to see csgo freezzer servers

CSGO Servers_
Most of our staff don't really play CSGO which would mean we would need to recruit an entire staff team for CSGO.
Costs are also something to consider - hosting servers isn't cheap.
One of our Moderators will send me the server files in the next few days.
RenegadeNine I think we have some space left for only one CS:GO server.
I've been thinking of getting it, perfect reason to get it XD
my main has csgo its just what could freezzer do in terms of play type is it going to be a surf map, a hide and seek map, modded deathmatch,
prison rp, zombie survival, and 1v1 matches its just csgo is super basic and its just that you have only one server spot what is it going to be and i am pretty sure all these need plugins
Surf is probably the best bet - its one of the most popular game modes on CSGO
I've been thinking of getting it, perfect reason to get it XD
oh and if your going to get csgo don't i repeat don't spend money unless you really want to or something
Surf is probably the best bet - its one of the most popular game modes on CSGO
What is surf?
Also thx for the heads up Roxk_monster
Surf is probably the best bet - its one of the most popular game modes on CSGO
surf is the most popular but theirs hundreds upon hundreds of other surf servers so how are you going to compete with the other servers
Describe a Surf server
surfing is just a feature people made into maps on csgo its basically your momentum pushs you across a platform at a angle causing you to "surf" the wall
theres many types on surf maps i will name three tho theres the challenge map pvp surf and casual surf the challenge map is just a surf map cut into pieces
each piece is a level and it progressively gets harder every level you do until you finish then usually after some one finishes theirs a vote on what map to do next then it rotates the map. pvp surf is a battle royal wear the better you do surfing the better chance of winning the battle royal aka the farther you get better the weapon so this style will stay on one map. and casual surfing is one large map in one piece that were if you fail on one spot you have to start over again and how this one rotates in it will have a vote 30 thirty minutes on what map to do next so thats basically surfing
thats surfing in general a surf server is basically mic spammers squeakers and fights in chat people surf to get away from the normal game modes
also csgo servers will be pretty hard make money on cause what could you offer peoplet to have in your servers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQdK5eragtg Surfing
i video would of been a lot easier now that i think of it
OH!! ok
Is it the most popular or just one people frequent, because I've seen CSGO never heard of Surf just the regular gm
It's pretty popular
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