Ban for my group

  • We were playing Russia # 5 server. We had a fierce war with two players when we learned that our door was illegal. We were asked to destroy them, we wanted but these two players killed us so we gave them back the ball. Then all the team got BERNARD on all servers without addition warning. There are some info:

    GROUP NAME: repair team

    DAY AND TIME: 25-06-2017 / 20:20 - 20:26

  • I'm one of the admins around here, I help to manage the forums, servers and the Discord.

    Got a question? You can contact me either on Steam or via Discord - Renegade#1337

    I attempt to follow up on all staff applications, ban appeals and reports as soon as I can, but if you feel your post is being ignored please feel free to contact me or another member of staff and we will look into it.
