Beiträge von RenegadeNine
Could you edit your application into a more eligible format? Its confusing with random sentences everywhere.
...I help alot of people when i play on the server if they are kind to me at first ...
You only help people if they are kind to you at first? Not exactly a good trait when applying to become a moderator.
Peakers advantage as in the issue in Rainbow Six Siege where you can peak super-fast and you won't appear there for the enemy you are peaking?
Whats happened to the forum? No post in over 2 days
Nice one as always
Its way too OP, needs a nerf in the next update
Unpinned and Closed
All you have to do is kill them lol, not difficult.
Often not possible - they can hide behind a tree then when your spawn protection expires, boom, they come out with a grizzly and you're dead
Next we'll be voting to remove guns xD
Basically either way, people will disagree
'Acid' ha ha ha...
Moved to Reports and Closed
I'm not 100% sure you want to become a moderator for the right reasons. Just to clarify, what is the actual reason for you wanting to become staff - excluding the fact you don't want to be called a hacker.
Thread Moved to Bug Reports
Funny moments
I think its good to have variation - on both sandbox and survival
It causes lag for you? xD I get no FPS change whatsoever
From now, I'll pin all latest update notes so they are easy to access