Beiträge von Leo_G

    Does the socket wrench mean you can steal tires of vehicles you don't have access too? If so, you could make a lot of money off tires by stealing everyone's and selling them to other people or something

    Oh god why did someone (Not pointing fingers but it was Mr.Panda) dislike my post? Did he realise it's a joke?

    Yeah but I'm not paying for your plane tickets to New Zealand, mate

    After tearing people up with the Nightraider on a German server I conclude that it is better than the Maplestrike now that it can take military drums. (and btw I'm pretty bad so it's quite a big thing if I do so well with a gun)

    Maplestrike and Grizzly. However, with the new update that lets the Fusilaut, Nightraider and Augewehr take military ammunition, one of those may be better than Maplestrike. (It certainly makes the Augewehr better than the Heartbreaker though)

    Sometimes for fun I use ghillie and sneak around in the bushes with a knife. As bushes don't have the render issue like grass. Then when a player's back is turned I knife him. (It has worked a lot and I do get a lot of kills with just a knife believe it or not)

    So over the last hour or so, a new face has appeared. Quell . In this time, Quell has decided to take it upon himself to comment on every post on the forum. This is NOT good as now I have notifications for unread threads, and my OCD will literally kill me if I do not read them all. To stop the influx of unread threads I suggest banning Quell immediately, so I don't die.

    Note: this is NOT serious I'm just bored

    because who could deny a Grizzly that would destroy others. I'm gonna be honest, I had it,know the person who made it, and kept it.

    tut tut I got rid of it because it's glitching and an unfair advantage, people would accuse me of hacking and I don't even use a sniper.

    Night would still be there, just slightly shorter, I honestly doubt any difference will really been seen because most of the time it's just blank PvP so to speak. We're you're just running around killing and no temperance of it because your lust for the next kill. Also sneaking up on bases in sandbox doesn't really happen. 2 reasons: Eeason #1. People put sentries everywhere around their base. Reason #2. Nobody builds bases on Sandbox anymore. A few months ago you might've been able to find one but I have checked a lot of the servers and have yet to find one. Not even the remnants of a base like a single pillar.

    That's because people rocket it. BAN THE GODDAMN ROCKET PLEASE.