Ban appeal

  • Steam profile:Yiyi,

    Reason for ban:Glitching

    Date of ban:2017-08-12

    Server you were banned on:[EU] Freezzer #SANDBOX #2-2

    Staff member who banned you (leave blank if you don't know):WildB3ast

    Why you think you should be unbanned:Because that was one of my favorite servers, I had a lot of fun there, that server is very good and I think it is unique and none can compare, for having a lot of variety of maps and game modes, greetings

  • Your ban expires in 14 days, you're lucky to only get a 30 day ban for glitching.

    I'm one of the admins around here, I help to manage the forums, servers and the Discord.

    Got a question? You can contact me either on Steam or via Discord - Renegade#1337

    I attempt to follow up on all staff applications, ban appeals and reports as soon as I can, but if you feel your post is being ignored please feel free to contact me or another member of staff and we will look into it.
