U need to remove Break Legs from Freezer Sandbox, idk why u play sandbox, but noone is playing sandbox for the sandbox, ppl are playing it for PvP and getting better at PvP, its like an enormous Death Match, and everytime u break legs, ur getting killed easily and most of the time when u try to use a splint u get killed, its really anoying and im not the only one that thinks this, u can ask alot of other PvPers, Like Maikyyy for exampel. i hope that you will remove break legs because its one hell of a pain in the ass

Break Legs
You realise that medkits heal broken legs too, right? And just a side note, you seem very salty
I definitely won't mind the removal of leg breaking. It is very annoying when you jump off a simple rock and break your legs, making you completely vulnerable for a few seconds as you take time to heal yourself.
I agree with ZemoN on the point that people mostly play Sandbox for PvP and leg breaking is not necessary.
Thank you Acid, LEO G dont u think i know that?! its not the way i have to heal its that i cant do shit if i break my legs and it takes like 6 secs to heal them and all the time when i hold a choke point and ppl are jumping from the sky or are right by my and i cant run, dont u think i get salty when i die so easliy??
but noone is playing sandbox for the sandbox, ppl are playing it for PvP and getting better at PvP
What? Sandbox gives the the ability to spawn stuff in, which is where the PVP comes from.
Zemon you don't have to heal your legs to fire a gun, and medkits don't take that long to be applied imo. There has been a previous poll where I stated that I would like them removed, so I do agree with you, I just wanted to point some things out. Also, (this is for any moderators) didn't you guys get rid of break legs for a bit? And if you did like I think I remember, why did you bring it back?
Also I swear breaking legs is 10 times easier on Freezzer
What? Sandbox gives the the ability to spawn stuff in, which is where the PVP comes from
I can see that ur not a pvper at all, ur one of the biggest role players ever. break legs is cancer for pvpers, aspecialy when u play against Fear Clan.
as i said before, no one is playing sandbox for sandbox, and if u cant understand this, then im sorry mr roleplayer but ur retarded
I can see that ur not a pvper at all, ur one of the biggest role players ever. break legs is cancer for pvpers, aspecialy when u play against Fear Clan.
I am very much a PvPer, and breaking legs is kind of annoying, but at the same time a challenge to overcome, if you see what I mean.
as i said before, no one is playing sandbox for sandbox, and if u cant understand this, then im sorry mr roleplayer but ur retarded
Sandbox is designed for PvP, as I have said. People use it to practice their PvP as they don't lose anything on death. Calling someone 'retarded' for having a different view to yours is entirely unfair and if you carry on you'll find yourself with a forum ban.