Ban appeal

  • Steam profile:
    Reason for ban:invited in glitching

    Date of ban:

    Server you were banned on:freezzer #sandbox #1-1

    Staff member who banned you (leave blank if you don't know):

    Why you think you should be unbanned:

    >i was invited by my team who glitch in first and he invited me to Teleport to him and i did not kill any player while glitching and only my team is killing player

    >i will not team with glitcher agian

    >please unbanned me

    >iam just a F2P player and i only play on that server because it the best server

    >Thank u advance:|


  • You still glitched, even when you could have stopped or reported them instead, but you did not.

    And it was RenegadeNine , who banned you. Just wait for his answer.

    You still glitched, even when you could have stopped or reported them instead, but you did not.

    And it was RenegadeNine , who banned you. Just wait for his answer.

    Keaune how long iam banned

  • You're banned for 30 days from the date of your ban.

    You were glitching, and you knew it, yet you continued. It doesn't matter whether you killed anyone or not.

    I'm one of the admins around here, I help to manage the forums, servers and the Discord.

    Got a question? You can contact me either on Steam or via Discord - Renegade#1337

    I attempt to follow up on all staff applications, ban appeals and reports as soon as I can, but if you feel your post is being ignored please feel free to contact me or another member of staff and we will look into it.
