Yea, adaptive chambering is not for a sniper rifle, only rifle for it might be the Grizzly if that is your style. Adaptive chambering is best for assault rifles

Best sniper rifle and why
the ad chamgbering would be better if we could turn it off and on with out taking it out
the ad chamgbering would be better if we could turn it off and on with out taking it out
If you don't hold down the trigger - which you wont be since your sniping... then it doesn't make a difference with/without adaptive chambering.
very true, e.g. if you're using a Honeybadger with adaptive chamber ingredients, it will shoot extremely fast that it can kill people fairly quickly. If you use it on a Sniper rifle of any sort it won't really helping being as Sniper rifles are *click* *click* not *click & hold*
i am talking about if it was on the heart breaker or a assault rifle
Heart breaker is an assault rifle
i ya i know i meant the heart breaker in specific
Heartbreaker is a fair gun, could be a lot better. But it is far from a sniper rifle in any way
ok mid range is best for the heart breaker
what i meant by sniping with the heart breaker was getting the jump on people and picking them of when there trying to figure out were the first shot came from
Maplestrike is better
Got to admit though, the iron sights on the heart breaker are beautiful... by far one of the best
Got to admit though, the iron sights on the heart breaker are beautiful... by far one of the best
Not really, it is super easy to lose the needle in the grass cause the shade of grey it is
not for me it isn't I can see it clear as day, love it and nothing you can say will stop me from doing so
so your a heartbreaker fan to or just the iron sights?
Just the Iron sights, but then again it's a good gun
Not sure why one would bring up the heartbreaker as a sniper lol
Not sure why one would bring up the heartbreaker as a sniper lol
Alex was sniping kids using a heartbreaker and makeshift scope on a random vanilla server today. Funniest shit
Jokes aside, Grizzly OP af -
Wut does adaptive chambering do
Wut does adaptive chambering do
Increases rate of fire on automatic guns.