Putting it a honeybadger is way too powerful

Best sniper rifle and why
if that's what you think take a look at the Nightraider and the maplestrike
they are true power
Already have, used Maplestrike when I first started Sandbox, switched to Nightraider but went back to the Maplestrike after a few hours
This may be stupid but i like the saber-tooth because it allows a muzzle attachments and the only reason snipers get caught is due to muzzle flash, A "Military Muzzle" fixes that, downsides are low damage and you cant see bullet drop.
This may be stupid but i like the saber-tooth because it allows a muzzle attachments and the only reason snipers get caught is due to muzzle flash, A "Military Muzzle" fixes that, downsides are low damage and you cant see bullet drop.
Sabertooth isn't really a good sniper though. Lesser range than that of the grizzly, timberwolf etc and its damage is lower.
true the damage is lower but the gun is F###ing every wear in Hawaii the military base the coastguard base it spawns so often i counted 4 in one loot run in the coast guard base its way easer to get a hold of then a timberwolf, grizz or ekho
If it has a higher rate of fire it would be worth it other than that no
the slow rate of fire gets me killed a lot i just cant get enough damage into them before they spray me down with a maple strike or honey badger
so overall Sabertooth is not good
but its every wear yet it sucks to every thing
i'm not saying its the best i'm saying it's a choice.
Maplestrike can go a good distance, with a 7x scope. Using an 8x is not gonna work but 7x is really accurate. I prefer chevron tho because 7x is to tight for my liking
Maplestrike can go a good distance, with a 7x scope. Using an 8x is not gonna work but 7x is really accurate. I prefer chevron tho because 7x is to tight for my liking
It can go a good distance with a 7x scope? Lol the range is 200m fixed, whatever sight you use. And most of the time people use chevrons or cross scopes for it, not 8x nor 7x.
I use 7x and it goes the distance
Anyone remember 6x scope from 2.0?
Best scope ever
6x scope why would it be removed?
It was a long time ago, there also used to be a 20x I believe
a 20x seems really unpractical
Yea, I already think the 16x is absolute trash
Remember at the time there wasn't ballistics so in some cases it was a snipers dream