Hello FG Team,
About Me: My name is Robin, B0y Wond3r in game, and I have become quite fond of Unturned over the past 6 weeks, exclusively on the Freezzer servers. I got into the game via my daily gaming friends, and we have played exclusively on the Freezzer servers over the duration of our time on Unturned. I have very much enjoyed the game, and have logged around 175 hours on Unturned, 95% of which have been on the Freezzer servers (primarily ENG/US and ENG/EU Survival). I have logged enough time on the servers to work up to rank 4 of ENG/US survival (rank doesn't necessarily relate to qualifications, but it does represent the amount of time of I dedicated to your servers). I understand this is only my 2nd post on the forum, and I am unfamiliar with most of you, but I do devote a lot of my time on the Survival servers, and have become acquainted with most players, regulars and new. I plan on becoming more active in your community as I branch out onto the other servers. I request this position because I feel that the servers less played, such as the survival servers, do not receive the necessary moderation attention which they may require, as I have not seen an admin on them before (not to mention they are not as popular as Arena and Sandbox).
Hours on Unturned: 177.0
Hours on Freezzer Gaming: est. 160
Age: 26
Current Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania US
Occupation: Mariner
Time Played Per Week: 50-60 Hours, idle about 10% of that time
Qualifications: I have been online gaming since 2002 (my 13 year steam badge reflects a good portion of that). I have played just about every type of game, from MOBA to FPS to MMO. I have learned how gaming communities work, and how they must be maintained by a series of responsible moderators and admins who seek to make the gaming experience enjoyable for all. I had owned my first Counter-Strike server in 2004, when the game was still on w0n.net, and moderated a rather fruitful number of players. I have been an active member of communities in Team Fortress Classic, The Specialists (Admin of a TSRP server in 2006), TF2, Garry's Mod, among others. I know how to identify a bad apple from a good one in terms of people who contribute nothing but toxicity into a friendly gaming community. I understand how to responsibly use commands in a position of power to enhance the experience from the person who plays 60 hours a week in a server to the person who may only be browsing the server to check it out. The gaming experience should be fun, respectful, and fair for all, and that is something which I feel I am qualified to bring to your small, yet growing community.
What I can contribute to Freezzer Gaming: I am not currently working as a moderator on any other servers, as I have been jumping from game to game over the past few months, but have found enjoyment in Unturned. I have the time right now to dedicate a fair amount of effort into the Unturned servers, and I plan to expand my options outside of the Survival set. As a moderator in Unturned, I feel the main keys to focus on are players who make an uncomfortable experience for others, those who are new to the game and interested in learning how the server functions, those who try to overload or lag the server intentionally, glitch exploiters, or those who may have found a loophole around BattleEye and may need to be further reviewed. I also reside in the United States, which allows me to access the servers during times which the European moderators cannot be on due to work or sleep, which in my opinion is a plus for both sides. I can tend to the servers while you guys take care of life, and vice versa.
Conclusion: I look forward to becoming a member of this community, whether it be participating more actively in the forums, or showing my face around the other servers. I respect any and all decisions and feedback towards my application, and would love to hear from the moderators on what they think. I may be a relative unknown right now, but I see potential in this community and would love to contribute in any and every way possible to make Freezzer Gaming enjoyable for all!
B0y Wond3r
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/datBoyWonder/

Robin's Mod Thread
- dat B0y Wond3r
- Geschlossen
...I have been jumping from game to game over the past few months...
We want moderators who will remain in the team for longer amounts of time, something to consider.
I see you have put a huge effort into your application and it is appreciated. Good luck with it and I hope to see you in the team soon
I understand this. I have been game jumping recently because I have been seeking a game which I enjoy thoroughly. I do believe Unturned is that game, and I absolutely do plan to commit to Unturned and Freezzer Gaming regardless of whether I receive moderator or not. I merely mentioned my "game jumping" to explain why I have only 177 hours in Unturned, and why I have only recently joined the forums here.
...I have only 177 hours in Unturned...
Damn that isn't much playtime to be honest.
It may not be a lot of time, but I have learned the game in and out to its core, and have even dabbled in creating a map with several of my friends. My knowledge of the game, which is not reflective of my playtime, should not directly correlate to my maturity, sense of right and wrong, and ability to moderate a gaming community. And if I recall, the guidelines suggest 50+ hours is the prerequisite?
It may not be a lot of time, but I have learned the game in and out to its core, and have even dabbled in creating a map with several of my friends. My knowledge of the game, which is not reflective of my playtime, should not directly correlate to my maturity, sense of right and wrong, and ability to moderate a gaming community. And if I recall, the guidelines suggest 50+ hours is the prerequisite?
Yea that's good to hear. Because that little amount of playtime normally suggests that the player is inexperienced and does not know the game well. You certainly need to know basic mechanics and how the game works or you won't be able to help others.
It does suggest 50 hours but that wasn't up to me and I'm not the one who decides if you get in the team. I'm just my point of view. You definitely need a lot more than 50 hours in order to know the game/be experienced in it.
Luckily, Unturned is a rather basic game, and the only server specific stuff relates to the commands in game. I can wholeheartedly admit I don't know how Sandbox works, but I play to spend the next week or so becoming accustomed to it and how it operates. I could easily dive into the core mechanics of the game, if that would help, such as RocketMod. Otherwise I have taking some crash courses on programs such as MySQL, though it was many years ago and I tried to learn it as a 14 yr old. Essentially, I am keen to catching onto server operation programs, and I have spent 90% of my time on Unturned with a group of friends who are relatively seasoned, with 300+ hours, and they have answered any and all of my questions when I was starting out, providing me with what I consider a strong knowledge of the game albeit my mere 177 hours.
I have read all of the other Moderator applications on the forum, and I would confidently wager my 177 hours of experience against many of these other users who have 3-4x that (the users who were clearly denied due to a lack of knowledge on how to properly make a proper application). -
Luckily, Unturned is a rather basic game, and the only server specific stuff relates to the commands in game. I can wholeheartedly admit I don't know how Sandbox works, but I play to spend the next week or so becoming accustomed to it and how it operates. I could easily dive into the core mechanics of the game, if that would help, such as RocketMod...
It's not really about learning RocketMod or programming and such. It's more of experience that comes when you've played the game for a longer amount of time so you know more things. For example, players can be asking in the server "what's the ID for [item]" or "how do I spawn in stuff". Just simple things like this would put you to shame if you didn't know how to answer these. Also things like bugs, glitches or hacks. Some guy on the server might be like "oh this guy is invisible, he's a hacker, please ban him" but it's actually just a bug and all you have to do is to rejoin the server. If you didn't know things like this, you'd handle the case differently and might actually ban him due to "hacking" because you're not up to date with these issues. I can give more examples but you're a smart guy, pretty sure you catch my point.
In terms of pure moderation, yea sure, you don't need much experience in the game as it's pure common sense as to when to mute/ban/kick.
I completely hear where you are coming from, and I have done my homework on many of the topics which you have hit on. I always have the updated item ID list tabbed in game (just one example of how I enhance my knowledge of the game by tinkering around with guides such as patch notes and reported bugs) , and I have learned many of the bugs and glitches from firsthand experience. Also, 99% of the time someone is accused of hacking, its just nonsense. Believe me, at my age, you tend to spend more time fully learning the game inside and out than enjoying it to maximize the experience. Considering I started playing Unturned about a month ago, 177 hours (now 185) is rather impressive in my humble opinion.
But I agree with everything you are saying Acid, and I greatly appreciate the feedback. I love to answer questions, and learn from what more experienced members have to say! -
I don't know If I'm allowed to input my opinion but I might as well go for it. yolo.
From my experience with b0y Wonder; He's a generous/friendly player, Never have I ever seen anything bad coming from b0y Wonder. He's always helping any new comers(or new players) in the server, such as, guiding them or providing them materials. Honestly, I believe b0y wonder is MOD material.
I'm giving you my + Support
Personally i think maturity is a big one. In terms of rationalising decision making and so on. He shows care in what he says, respect, clarity of thought process and explanation. His reasoning seems sound and he has obviously taken the application process seriously.
In spite of this i have to agree a little bit with Acid here: Time on Unturned is for a few reasons (some of which nobody has yet said):
1- Understanding of the game mechanics
2- Understanding of Freezzer specific commands and rules
3- Long term commitment to the game - People go through phases and play different games, they might binge it for 100 hours or more over a very short period of time, they enjoy it and want to help out in the community... BUT if they are not committed in a more permanent capacity then after a few months they will get bored and move on. NOBODY can tell if this is going to happen, even the person themselves. Which is why game-time is so important, because if you have played for a considerable amount of time it already proves to yourself and others what level of dedication you have to the game.
4- Availability (how much time of your life you can spend gaming) - shows whether playing unturned is a hobby or a pass-time. If it is a hobby you CARE about the game and the community. If it is a pass-time its purely for your personal enjoyment and entertainment.
To clarify, I am not saying that you are not dedicated or committed or caring enough about the game and Freezzer, but it is of my opinion that for your application to go through you need to put in some more hours and prove on paper that you are all of the above.
Thank you for the kind words, and insightful input Phoenix! I can't argue with any of the cons you have come up with, as it is a very tough to decision to grant somebody powers with what can be construed as little long term commitment towards the game. I do strongly believe I have a strong knowledge of the game, but I definitely need to put in more hours to show I am an experienced and committed player.
My only issue with the great Freezzer servers is that there is no American moderator yet, and it can be a little annoying when toxic players or cheaters can hop on the server when you guys are catching up on sleep, and nobody can handle them, which is why I made my application so prematurely. Seeing as I made my application on Sunday, I have already added 30 hours on to my hour total since then (NOT JUST IDLING FOR APPEARANCE SAKES), exploring other types of gamemodes on Unturned and trying to learn the mechanics better. -
I don't know If I'm allowed to put my opinion for his application. However, I think he will be a good admin because he always help new comer and give them materials to let them get easy start. He also helped me when I start in this server. Hope he can be admin for future.
Hello dat B0y Wond3r ,
I really like your application. Well, I want to make it short: Accepted.
Great job.
Best regards,
Simon aka. Freenex
there is no American moderator yet
Congrats from one American mod (I am one) to another; great to have you on the team
Congrats from one American mod (I am one) to another; great to have you on the team
How do you get 300 ping if you're American xd
No idea I've wondered the same thing
The only possible reason I can think of is that he probably lives in LA and always downloads something.