Hello! My name is nemanja im from serbia (Ignore information on my steam account they are not real because my friend made this steam account) Litle bit about me
Im 15 years old from serbia i love unturned and i have been playing it since 2.0 or Previous version (I cant remember) As a staff memeber i would help out new players helping them with comands and such other things i have a good personality meaning (I dont rage and curse like other 15 years old) I have a good time helping people in games because i like to play games and help other people.
On this Steam Account i alredy have 176.5 hours played in under 3 weeks i have other steamm acounts one of them has close to 300 hours my original steam and my oldest one which had about 100 I cant remember names or passwords to 1 of the accounts but i can from the middle one also im very social and i like to have a good time on servers like these I play about 50 hours a week and im not going to be very active next 3 months because i will be going to sweeden im going to be active but not so much. I have eye for hackers because i played on a server full of hackers and abusers of glitches also i woul like to help te server grow and expand as im the only person on server playing at 5AM In my country my timezone Yes i play games too much and i realize how much i could help if i get a staff place on server. Thank you for reading my post
I will give answers if you have to ask me somthing but maybe il be a bit late because i have a flight to sweeden tomorow: Love from serbia