If so, can anyone tell me the times? That'd be great.

Is there some sort of schedule for automatic server restarts?
- Lord Laxative
- Erledigt
Yeah , it happens every 6 hours - I live in the timezome GMT +8 and it happens everytime on 10 AM/PM and 4 AM/PM
What bout in pdt/pst?
its every 7:00 PM/AM and 1PM/AM on PDT
There will always be a warning beforehand, for example: Automatic server restart in 10 minutes
I've only seen one when it says 1 minute before restart
I've seen 10, 5, and 1.
Since the late update of the server this recent update , the timelines for the server reset has been changed , it doesnt reset on every 7:00 PM/AM and 1PM/AM on PDT anymore ... idk if its a bug it was changed ...
It's no bug. I've changed/reduced the server restarts.
For how many hours?
What are the new times?
I would also like to know more about the changes to the server resets
Survival: 3:00 AM
Sandbox: 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00
Is there a reason why there will only be one server restart in contrast to the four resets that the server used to have? Does it have to do with server strain perhaps?
Sandbox has people constantly placing items. They build big structures randomly slowing the game for everyone on the server
Right, I should have specified that I was mentioning the survival servers directly and how they have had a decrease in server resets now; I was just curious if there was a reason behind it. Or do you mean to say that there is no reason in particular behind the change and only that the Sandbox servers NEED the four resets and the survival servers do not?