Beiträge von Quell

    Hello again,

    We should never forget that hosting a Roleplay Server with rules will be a lot of work and effort for all involved members of the staff. Making sure everyone is playing according to the rules, the constant reports for KoS and all that will probably make it a pain in the ass for the staff, especially if they're understaffed as you say. But I think it would be worth a try for sure. You need a lot of patience and dedication to make it work.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    I think mods should never be an issue.

    I could help with setting it up aswell if they're in need of any help around the corners.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Guten Nachmittag,

    Oh, dies bringt Licht in die Sache.

    Ich kenne leider nicht alle Karten auswendig und wusste nicht, dass man Geldautomaten "ausschlachten" kann.

    Wenn dies ein Weg wäre, schnell an gutes Geld zu kommen stimme ich selbstverständlich der Entscheidung zu, alle Geldscheine zu entwerten.

    Vielen Dank für die Antworten,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Guten Tag nochmals,

    Ein paar Sachen mit denen man sehr viel Geld machen konnte?

    Mir ist kein anderer Weg als das Plündern von Kassen bekannt.

    Und selbst dann bekommt man nur relativ selten einen richtigen Geldschein, meistens sind es nur Münzen.

    Aber ich denke, dass dies doch ein interessanter Ansporn zum Plündern wäre, oder nicht?


    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    I always loved the look of the Spec-Ops uniform and all around it, but we as a community usually just fight with the Liberator Gear.

    Despite it's low cost (you can trade it with an Ensign) it offers different clothing for different ranks which is a big plus for a group that uses military ranks.

    I don't think that the Ghillie gives you that much of a "invisible" effect in the woods, or maybe I'm just a hawkeye since I never got fooled by a Ghillie in this game.

    You can see players run in the distance without any plants or trees rendering, so I don't see the point of having an expensive Ghillie.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Guten Nachmittag,

    Ich möchte mich kurz erkundigen ob es einen Grund gibt, warum die in Kassen gefundenen Geldscheine nicht auf dem Shop verkauft werden können?

    Gibt es einen tieferen Gedanken dahinter, dass man Geld mit einem vordefinierten Wert nicht auch eben zu diesem verkaufen kann?

    Dies würde meiner Meinung nach das Plündern von Gebäuden mit Kassenregistern um einiges interessanter machen, da man zufällig eine Währung aus der Kasse erhält.

    Ich beziehe mich hier nur auf das Papiergeld, nicht die Münzen - doch dort trifft eigentlich die gleiche Frage zu.

    Gerne höre ich von euch,

    [US] Col. Quell

    On launch of the Garage plugin it did not cost anything - the price to park plugin was inserted later. I have played and parked many vehicles on Freezzer #8 EU and it works fine most of the time - but i have noticed that the Police Truck does not cost anything to park. What i wonder is if the new vehicles have not been updated onto the parking cost list. What vehicle are you parking?

    Hope this helps,



    Hello there,

    I'm parking all different types of vehicles from Quads to Hatchbacks to Police Cars to Choppers to Planes.

    Nothing of all that ever took money from me after I placed it into one of my Garage slots.

    I might want to add that I'm only (or mainly) playing on Freezzer #5.

    But that shouldn't make a difference, right?

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    My opinion on jets is that they're expensive as hell for all regular users and that's fine the way it is right now.

    Not "everyone" has a Jet and not "everyone" is lagging the Servers to hell by flying one.

    You have to realize that everytime something new comes to the game people will test it out.

    It's comparable to a hype - everyone uses it for a few days and then only the true "fans" will continue to use it after that period.

    I mean, come on - look at Fidget Spinners. Almost the same thing.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Guten Abend,

    Ich möchte kurz fragen, ob es einen Grund gibt, warum zwei von drei Panzern 3000$ kosten und der andere 4000$?

    Laut Unturned-Wiki sind die alle gleich, das einzige was sich unterscheidet ist die Optik respektive der Anstrich.

    Daher würde es keinen Sinn machen, dass man für einen Panzer 1000$ mehr zahlen muss, oder täusche ich mich hier?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there my dear Leo,

    I apologize for triggering you, but I've been part of this community for a very long time without using the forum.

    I'm actually just unable to sleep and decided to go trough the forum and leave my words of wisdom here and there.

    I hope you'll feel better very soon.

    If not, call an ambulance immediatly.


    Note: same.

    Hello there,

    That doesn't look glitched at all.

    You were literally throwing around so many Demolition Charges, the chance of you blowing up stuff next to that so called stash is very high.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    It's free now or am I mistaken?

    I never had to pay a single dollar to park one of my vehicles in the garage.

    Parking a vehicle will cost 20% percent of its original buy cost. For example, a Sandpiper costs $300, so parking it will cost $60.

    This was taken from the official news about the garage and trunks.

    Is it outdated or did I miss something?

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    What a giveaway.

    Asking the community to tell you why they want the key and then post it anyways for literally everyone to use it.

    You should look up how something like this is supposed to work.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    I see there's some sort of a language barrier going on.

    The Freezzer Servers are (in my opinion) perfect as they are right now.

    You can't change the map of a Server and say it will be full after that - people come and people go, sometimes the servers are full, sometimes they're empty.

    That's just how it goes in the online gaming industry.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    I personally think this would be an amazing idea.

    Me and my community like to roleplay and we're currently trying to do that on a regular Survival Server of theirs.

    Of course it's not easy all the time because there are some people that always want to mess you up or just ruin your fun for the laughs. But having a Roleplay Server would be awesome for sure. As long as the people on it stick to the rules it would be a great experience for everyone. I hope this is getting more attention since it really deserves more than just a downvote and no comments.

    We need some official ROLEPLAY in this community.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    I can only speak for one Server, which is [GER] Freezzer #5.

    I'm online every single day, sometimes the server is almost full in the evening and sometimes it's just dead.

    It's different everyday, but that's normal.

    As it has been said already - people come and people go.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell

    Hello there,

    It's always good to advertise some of your offers because not everyone is aware of the market.

    I'd do it that way too if I'm looking for someone to buy my stuff.

    See you,

    [US] Col. Quell