DarkDJ's Idea for Loads

  • My idea is to make something for the loads, like make for the loads, names? i mean like this command:" /n thief 1"= /n (name) (number of the load)= /name (name of the load) (number of the load) . and if its with 2 loads so, /n (name) 2, and for /n (name) 3, more and more.

    Thank you :):thumbup:

  • I don't understand this at all.

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  • Hey , May i ask whats the problem with present load system ? You can buy rank store your loadouts with /s 1-100 and /l 1-100 , whats the point of /n [loadout name] [number of the loadout] .

    Its pretty same thing in the present system , Why should someone set a name and a number when he can just set a number ?