Should the jet be banned? 51
Das Ergebnis ist nur für Teilnehmer sichtbar.
The jet is overpowered and annoying.
Das Ergebnis ist nur für Teilnehmer sichtbar.
The jet is overpowered and annoying.
yes please
The jet has explosives shots which makes it twice as annoying. Doesn't take any skill to shoot.
Jet is fast, well that was only one reason why its should keep. And i know plenty reasons why it should be banned.
For many people it's their only chance to use the jet in multiplayer.
RenegadeNine That doesn't stop it to get removed? You see most people think it's annoying
I voted No because why should you remove things a Developer intentionally added. I guess it's only annoying for Sandbox
RenegadeNine That doesn't stop it to get removed? You see most people think it's annoying
I voted No because why should you remove things a Developer intentionally added. I guess it's only annoying for Sandbox
I'm just saying what I think, I'm not saying it will or will not get removed.
How about removing the ammo?
How about removing the ammo?
I think Freenex has a good compromise
How about removing the ammo?
That works as well
Yeah good
remove ammo would be good
hey i'm a butthurt unskilled player, can we remove guns ? where do i start a poll ? pls thanks.
Removing the ammo was a good idea as i made a thread about removing the ammo to now i like that people realy started thinking about the jet
Remove the RPG, there are people who abuse it in the Sandbox servers, it sucks to play like that :c
hey i'm a butthurt unskilled player, can we remove guns ? where do i start a poll ? pls thanks.
Don't be ignorant please.
Jets should get banned :v