Hello or what i have to say. I m sure that 99% admins wont take me seriosly or nothing gonna happen but for try what would change a lot i do it. I just want to say freezzer sandboxes is one of the most popular server ever and the biggest fans of pvp playing on sandbox. You are like oh unturned died oh kk it s normal but u dont realize that a lot of the players play mostly sandbox and they want to pvp but how can u pvp while u getting shotted by jet from sky and kids around u with jet. Now u say but if we ll fix jet than they all gonna leave i m sure that u wont feel the change because mostly jet killers and users are kids who dont know what they are doing and there s a lot more fun than this for them so please i m one of the fans of unturned i have 3000 hour son this game so i know wha ti m saying. If u do it it wont make worse only better trust me maybe first days some kids will cry but they wont cry anymore after they are not playing sandbox for pick up jet and kill that s not all. U know that unturned is full of desync and rubberband and we cant change it a lot so just do this big thing and it ll be insane please! I m sorry for my bad eng.

Jets on sandbox
I agree, jets need to be nerfed on Sandbox.
I dont know how could you nerf the jets, but i agree.
Im agree too. I was like you but after days I learned one thing ; If they are picking up Jet , You have to pick up Jet Too .
The only ways that Owners can nerf Jet are removing ammo for it (Jet is useful anyway) or remove Jet .
Jet is obviously a good thing for going around you know what i mean ?
I really hope they do sth about it
I agree. The gameplay in the Sandbox servers is literally braindead. People are just flying around with jets (with plates etc built on them). Something definitely needs to be done to improve the PvP aspect. On one hand you might argue, oh this is a SANDBOX server so I want people to be able to spawn whatever they want. Well here's my argument: Jets have been out for quite some time now. I'm pretty sure everyone has had their fun with jets. Jets bring absolutely zero value to Sandbox servers. They are obnoxious and create a mess. I've heard and witnessed so many people who stopped playing on Freezzer solely due to the fact that jets exist. There is 0 skill involved when using jets and every noob can kill a good player. It has gone to the point where jets are literally cancer.
Let's bring back the good old days where people use Sandpipers and Otters for transport.
I agree to....Jets ruin the fun.
I don't think I've REALLY had an issue with the jets but there were times when I was just frustrated to hear explosive bullets blowing up KNOWING that a bulletproof jet is on its way to kill me in a much safer and easier way.
Idc i only care about getting kills
Ja sehr gut
Ill have too agree i quit playing Because of the jets They are Very annyoing When ur fighting someone and They come out of nowhere and basically insta kill you. They Should be Removed
For the love of god please just end jets. I pretty much stopped playing the game because of them. They kill the fun in that server so much.
Acid: Let's bring back the good old days where people use Sandpipers and Otters for transport.
hell yeah!
so what s u waiting for ? ofc one kid called pepa from india with 2 hours playtime will say no dont i like jets OH NO PEPA LIKE IT SO NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN OFC u guys remember when jets didnt exist ? i think sandbox was maybe also more played than now so just let the times go back as it was good before
so what s u waiting for ? ofc one kid called pepa from india with 2 hours playtime will say no dont i like jets OH NO PEPA LIKE IT SO NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN OFC u guys remember when jets didnt exist ? i think sandbox was maybe also more played than now so just let the times go back as it was good before
Since they added flying vehicle the whole game is dead ...
It isn't fun for me, to fly with a plane which can reach only 109 kph instead of 161 kph. It feels really slow. There's a way, to disable HMG Ammo when spawning the Jet, but the question is, if Simon is going to do it.
My opinion: Don't remove it, see it as a challenge to kill them while they're flying. It's also fun to scare them when they got hitted by your bullet.
maybe if you make hmg boxes banned item?
u kidding guys ? hmg are already banned and it s really not fun to fight jets if u are saying this than u probably played it like 1 sec
I'm not kidding. It's a funny challenge, to kill players while they're flying in a Jet.
All right, I'll think of something.
maybe make them like semi not auto and weaker armor xd