I agree, jets need to be nerfed on Sandbox.
Beiträge von Keaune
Both players have been dealt with.
Thank you for the report
Thread Closed
Ban expired
Seeing as you did not provide any more details or evidence to back up your report,
therefore we will have to close this thread.
Wrong way to appeal for a ban
Seeing as you did not provide any more details or evidence to back up your report,
therefore we will have to close this thread.
Seeing as you did not provide any more details or evidence to back up your report,
therefore we will have to close this thread.
We do not ban anyone for stupid things like that. I checked your name in the database and you are NOT banned from any Freezzer servers. You played on Freezzer Sandbox 2-3 YESTERDAY for 28 minutes, so if someone banned you it would have shown in the banlist, but it did not.
You have been banned for cheating by RenegadeNine , I do not think that having a channel
with a few montage videos proves that you were not cheating, we need more than that.
Moved to Ban Appeals
There is no direct indication of him cheating, that 'flying object' glitch has been in Sandbox for a long time now and it could have been anyone unknowingly. Judging from the second death, he missed THREE shots, so I do not think he has some sort of a aim hack and you also saw him face to face, and he is not flying. Where as in the first death the sound made by the gun comes from behind you, meaning that the 'flying object' was not him as he was behind you.
But, we do take strict measures against impersonators, so he will get punished for that.
Thank you for the report, we will take care of it from here.
Don't give us that excuse, if your teammate glitched and you didn't report him or even try to stop him, then that makes you equally involved.
Mhmh. If so why don't you just get more staff then so that won't happen as often. Simple solution in my opinion
Well, it's not easy finding Staff members, nor are we willing to hand over Staff powers to so many people, because unlike other Unturned gaming communities, Freezzer Staff members have access to commands and features that are much more advanced and powerful, therefore we must be very cautious who gets access to these. As giving several people those kind of powers would just cause to a mess for Freenex.
However, we did reduce the requirements and created the Support-Staff rank, which is much easier to apply for, but even then people don't meet the requirements. So yeah.
Listen here pal, you are not in any position to cut a deal like that, after all we did not force you to glitch. You did that yourself and now you must face the consequences whether you like it or not. We will only unban you if we (Freezzer Team) agree to it, and making another ban appeal is not helping your case at all.
Do not make make a fourth ban appeal now, and stick with your original appeal thread (Link).
Okie, ranks incoming
You can not expect Staff or Admins to be ready to respond 24/7. We're humans, not robots. I know we are not perfect, but we try our best to help you guys out as much as we can, at our own expense. So cut us some slack.
The report itself makes no sense. Hacking and glitching are two different things, one gets you perm banned and the other gets you banned for 90 days. Flying APCs are a glitch not hack. And in Sandbox, sometimes when someone spawns in a vehicle, the vehicle gets stuck in mid air, similar to that unkillable player model getting stuck at spawn.
Some players who have a skybase sometimes troll others by dropping down in a vehicle, and make people think that they have a flying vehicle.
You could have recorded them doing this on a video, everyone on the forums would have seen it and understood this situation better, because obviously if we did not make it in time, then we will have to rely on the evidence, and if it is strong enough, then we do not need to log in and spy on him. But, in this case, it your evidence does not help us much. Apart from that, we are not God, nor do we have such a command that lets us revert time to see what went on. So, it will not be easy waiting for a guy named 'Salty Cat' to log back in and do it again, nor do we have that much time to stalk him.
Plus, you did not even link his Steam profile, there could be over a dozen players named 'Salty Cat' in the database, which makes our job much harder, having to search them all up.
As for everyone else apart from the players involved, and Staff members. Please refrain from commenting on Reports and Ban Appeals, If it does not involve you.
Firstly, I am the one who banned you.
Secondly, again, this is not the proper way to appeal.
Thirdly, you didn't impersonate just one Staff member, you were also impersonating multiple people using alternative accounts, the rules clearly indicate that impersonation is not allowed even if you are a FAN, LOVER, or CLOSE FRIEND.
Nqzy , and this isn't the proper way to appeal, too.